If you have nothing better to do with your time and money this Saturday morning, On Point Firearms is having a little sale at the shop from 0700-1000. We'll have lots of mark downs and FREE COFFEE from either Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts. And maybe some donut holes, if we're lucky!
Please RSVP via e-mail or our Facebook event page if you're coming, so I can get a head count for coffee and snacks. If you have a fast and/or exotic car, bike, or woman-- bring that too. ;) We're just going to have some fun and sell some guns & ammo. I've got a metric ton of 5.56mm ammo to blow out at dealer cost, plus some Glocks, Sigs, S&Ws, and LWRC rifles-- among other things. Speaking of Glock: if you have a Glock without night sights, bring it. We're offering huge savings on our selection of Trijicon, Meprolight, and Warren Tactical sights-- PLUS, FREE INSTALLATION while you wait with your cup of coffee!
We're going to start doing this once every few months. The weather is cooling off, and it's a good opportunity for us to put a face to a name and talk shop. Baby Evan might make an appearance also, and all sales benefit his college fund. :) That's all for today, my friends. We hope to see some of you on Saturday. Please shoot me an e-mail if you're coming-- and your preference in coffee: either DDs or Starbucks.
Have a good rest of your week and God bless! -- Evan
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